Days 4 – 6
★ Ireland ★
The Zapatista Invasion to Insubordinate WISE Islands is underway!
Listen and Speech Teams from the Zapatista delegation La Extemporánea continue their tour around Ireland, meeting with grassroots organisations and people from below and to the left. The Journey for Life will continue in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.

October 15th: Cork
Because walking is a way of learning, the day started with a walk in the woodlands of Mullaghmore.

There was even time to practice hurling.

Later on, the delegation met with activist and communities around Cork to share their experiences of rebellion, resistance and self-governance.
Dialogues around decoloniality and radical democratic governance, utopian imagination, politics of language, housing, land, food sovereignty, solidarity, creative communal practices, education, empowerment, Palestinian solidarity, LGBTQ+ rights and more!

October 16: Cork
Saturday started with a solidarity meeting in Cork’s Fitzgerald Park and a walk to Grand Parade.

The Cork Traveller Visibility group is challenging racism and oppression. Their encounter with the Zapatista delegation aims to build international alliances.
October 17th:
Local artist, Nic Flanagan, created this beautiful print for the delegation in Cork, today.

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Follow Fáilte go hÉirinn Zapatistas 2021 for more information about the Journey for Life in Ireland
and the Zapatatista Solidarity Network for updates on the WISE Islands.
On Facebook: FghZapatistas2021 & ZapaSolNet
What are we fighting for? Statement and calendar of activities from our friends in Ireland.
Don’t forget to support their fundraiser if you can.
¡La Gira Zapatista Va!