Reflections on the Journey for Life
A conversation with members of the Southeast section of the Zapatista Solidarity Network on the 2021 Zapatista visit to Europe and the Journey for Life in the Wise Islands (Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland)
53 min
Part 1: Introduction and background
In this first part, we discuss why a group of 177 delegates of the Mexican Zapatista communities traveled through Europe during three months in autumn 2021. What did the Zapatistas talk about during the meetings with local groups and activists?
Who hosted and organised the delegation that visited Ireland and Britain, and what will become of these newly formed local networks?
We end this part of our conversation with some reflections on on the Zapatista movement and their forms of autonomous self-organisation.
Part 2: (32:49) Extractivism and resistance in South Mexico
Not only the Zapatista communities are finding ways to resist the current onslaught of extractivt enterprises and large-scale infrastructure projects going hand in hand with increased violence in the southern Mexican states. Other activist organisations include the Congreso Nacional Indígena and the Frente de Pueblos Morelos Pueblos Tlaxcala.
Additional audio sources:
From: Freundeskreis Videoclips:
Original source: Enlace Zapatista:
And from: La Tierra Somos: Buen Vivir Y Defensa Del Territorio En Mesoamerica. Una recopulación de la Caravana Mesoamericana para el Buen Vivir de los Pueblos en Resistencia, Colectivos en Acción, Mexico 2020. DVD1
Thanks: We thank CHASE DTP and the Climate Justice Network for supporting this podcast through their small grants program. All fees have been dedicated to support the on-going solidarity work.
License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)